In my project, the user paints using their choice of 3D primitives. When the user either holds or presses their left mouse button, 3D primitives are spawned at their mouse position. When they either hold or press their right mouse button, they erase spawned 3D primitives at the mouse position. The spawned 3D primitives have random animations where their rotation, scale, or position is changed. The user can choose the distance of the 3D primitives, the speed at which the animations happen, if the timed destroy feature is on, to clear all 3D primitives, and can use the color sliders to change the color of the 3D primitives. The user’s mouse position is displayed at the bottom. There is a time multiplier slider where the user can choose how fast the time goes and how fast the clock moves. The “Sun” object is affected by this in game time, where it’ll rise or set based on the time.

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